Lately, it seems many people are experiencing increased anxiety as well as bouts of depression. Cases of substance abuse are rising. In addition, some days it feels like we are all in the movie “Ground Hog Day.” We are all looking forward to when we can meet with our clients, coworkers and friends in person as opposed to on Zoom.
I am having daily conversations with clients and colleagues on coping with this new normal and how best to function each day. Right now, many are thinking of the things we don’t have as opposed to what we do have. I ask my clients to take a few minutes each day to reflect and to do a gratitude list. Just two or three things one is grateful for.
The other day, I was pondering these conversations when I came across the following questions which really resonated with me. The author is Brooke Anderson, a California photojournalist.
Daily Quarantine Questions:
What am I Grateful for today?
Who am I checking in on or connecting with today?
What expectations of normal am I letting go of today?
How am I getting outside today?
How am I moving my body today?
What beauty am I either creating, cultivating, or inviting today?
Reflecting on these questions caused me to pause and contemplate my day and make some changes to my routine (at least for today!) We will see what tomorrow holds…
Wishing you the best with your day.
Craig King